Your life is going to change others’ lives…

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Home | A Miracle Every Day | Miracles | Your life is going to change others’ lives…

Everything has a beginning…Jesus encourages you to step out (and me too!). Maybe fear is knotting up your stomach, and that’s quite normal when we start a new activity, a new project. It’s natural to wonder about your abilities, your “savoir-faire,” your know-how. However, God doesn’t rely on your skills to call you, as Gideon’s story reminds us.

“The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!” … Then the Lord turned to him and said, “Go with the strength you have … I am sending you!”” (read the Bible, Judges 6:12-16, NLT)

I find it remarkable that God called Gideon “mighty hero,” when he was neither a soldier nor a prophet of God like Elijah or Elisha…Gideon was a simple miller from the poorest family in his village. Gideon considered himself “small” and “poor,” but God saw in him the hero who would deliver His people from the Midianites.

What about you? Do you see yourself like Gideon saw himself?

  • Poor, small, and miserable?
  • Trapped in the conditions you’re subjected to?
  • Disheartened by negative experiences?

Receive this word today: God didn’t make a mistake when He appointed you to enter His service. He’s sending you on a special mission that He has reserved for you, and He is with you.

You don’t have to be perfect or amazingly equipped. Just be yourself and real, because God doesn’t choose as man chooses. For “people judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (read the Bible, 1 Samuel 16:7)

Because you carry Christ’s love and light in you, your life will help change others’ lives, as Oscar tells us: “God has been working great things in my life. He has been helping me to overcome depression and to be his feet and hands. I started to do evangelism on my college campus, asking students if they need prayer. We are planting the seeds in students’ hearts. We can feel a change and feel the Holy Spirit on our campus and the changing of students’ lives.”

Thank you for your testimony, Oscar. Glory to God! My friend, you too are going to do mighty feats in the lives of others! The Lord is with you, mighty hero!

Be blessed!

P.S. I invite you to watch this video. It is called “God Is Calling You to Serve Him.”


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  1. Jyoti on 05/07/2019 at 4:36 PM

    Such an encouraging message!
    God get all the glory and honor and praise from all of me.

    Thank you Lord. Bless Eric and family and team!!

  2. Laura Sampson on 06/07/2019 at 5:00 PM

    WOW! WOW! WOW! I can’t even comprehend how much I needed to read this devotional and then watch and listen to Eric Celeir’s video of “The Extraordinary Divine.” I was just thinking before listening to the devotional about how the difficulty of my faith journey has been and how I struggle. I too have had many discouragers in my life and it has affected me immensely. I will meditate on this and keep putting one foot in front of the other. I have been walking on tough waters ever since I have stepped out of the boat. I have thoughts of how can I do this, but God hasn’t failed me, but I have made many mistakes along the way. Thank you for this encouraging message that I so needed to hear. This video really spoke to me. God is always an on time God!
    Thank you for all that you do!
    God Bless you all! My scripture is Isaiah 40:31 “Wait upon the Lord and you will rise up like wings like an Eagle”

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