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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

Let me share a secret to change your world ?

Words have the power to give peace to yourself and to others. Words also have the power to bring fear and destruction. Words have the power to bind and loose. Do you use your words to bring peace at work or in your home?

Where do you find peace?

Peace is so elusive, we need to pursue it. The only way to find it is to look to God for internal peace. There are so many things in life we cannot control. Storms come, conflicts come, hardships come, illnesses come, but Jesus can step in and calm our storms.

What’s your rock?

The Sabbath commandment became such a foundational concept to the Jewish people that they even had a distance defined by the Sabbath. They called it a “Sabbath journey.” Could your whole life journey become a Sabbath journey?

Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace is a term commonly used in funerals or at graveside ceremonies, but shouldn’t it apply to our daily lives, too? Shouldn’t we rest in peace every night? Every Sabbath day? Wouldn’t we wake up with more energy and confidence?

How to honor the Sabbath? ?

Most people I know have no clue what a real weekly sabbath is. In fact, I will be so bold as to say very few Christians understand or practice a sabbath. So, what is a sabbath, and what should it look like in a practical sense?

What did you say? ?

If your heart is bitter and damaged, no one will ever be able to get through until you spend some time with the healing presence of Jesus and a good therapist. The vat is full of dirty filters that cause you to misinterpret.

Are you adding value to relationships?

Your new focus is personal health. Once you are healthier, you will be able to walk into a room, business or family gathering and add value. Everyone needs what you have. They need healing, love and good self-esteem.

Communication can build or destroy ?

Communication can either build a relationship or destroy it. Healthy communication is difficult and treacherous, even for the most committed friends or couples, because it can break down.

What’s love got to do with it?

Real love is kind, gentle and caring. Maybe the only love she knew was lust, passion, violence or codependency. Have you ever seen or experienced true love? Have you ever given it?