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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

Say yes…it opens more doors ??

Have you ever noticed that one yes can lead to a hundred more open doors? In my many years of walking with Jesus, I’ve discovered that my yeses create more opportunities.

Game changers are ready

I believe game changers say yes. They step up when others shrink back. They give when others withhold. They smile when others are frowning. They believe when others shrink back in self-doubt.

Never give in

The Bible says we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, many of whom were heroes, soldiers, first responders, or countless unnamed champions who risked it all, gave it all, and served others unselfishly.

Are you willing to take a risk?

Game changers are moved by the needs of people and situations. Nehemiah became one of the most notable leaders of all time because he cared about other people.

Were you born to be a game changer?

Game changers are people, inventions, or ideas that radically transform parts of society, a company, a family, a school, a city, or a community. Game changers change things.

Can you be healed of trauma?

Even though we are Christians who love God, we will have tribulations and losses. There is a constant battle for our souls, families, and divine destinies.

Pray like Jabez

2021 can be the greatest year of your life. Be bold and ask God for incredible things because you are designed to be a miracle.

To infinity and beyond

If you knew that failure would not ruin your plans this year, what would you endeavor? If you knew that God would send help, protection, and favor, what would you try?

Happy New Year!

It will take courage to declare good things in the new year. It will take faith to bless someone and mean it. We need more Gideons in our world right now.