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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

You fear nothing

If God says He is there, He is there! My friend, your peace is perfect. Perfect because of Christ. Because of His sacrifice for you at Golgotha. Would He have agreed to give His life for you to then live in fear and uncertainty?

You are never alone

At times we’re so stressed by the noises of this world, inundated with the hustle and bustle of our society, that we’re no longer living in peace. In these difficult times, Jesus speaks to us, saying, “Shh, I’m here, don’t be anxious.”

Sit a moment with Me

Slow down…come. Stop for a moment…come. Don’t let worries oppress you…come. Don’t let fear infiltrate your heart…come. Don’t worry about money…come. Don’t be afraid about tomorrow…come.

Your inheritance is peace

God desired your existence and fashioned you with love. And why? Certainly not for you to live a life of permanent stress and worry! Yet, each day you’re confronted with all sorts of situations…

Heaven hears you!

There is a place where time stands still, where mountains bow down. A place bathed in light, overflowing with peace…heaven isn’t so far away. It is close at hand…within the reach of prayer! The Lord of Lords hears you.

Press on towards your destiny ?‍♂️

Allow me to remind you of something: you have received His Spirit, a Spirit of strength and courage. Not a spirit of fear and discouragement! You are the heir of a kingdom that surpasses your understanding and of a King who loves you passionately! 

Are you in training?

The Lord is also the ultimate instructor. Sometimes He takes you to His boot camp. There, He desires to teach you, to mold you, so that you’ll be ready for the mission He has called you to. Keep in mind that God’s training strategy is perfect.

Access God’s supernatural resources ?

God creates supernatural opportunities where your natural reserves are exhausted. And it’s no wonder, for He is the ultimate Creator! He has total mastery over His creation and over circumstances. Yes, God is sending rain and manna to your desert today!

Learn how to fight!

The Bible teaches you that God is training you for battle. He is your personal instructor, your coach. And what’s most important? In the face of the trial, He leaves you neither alone nor helpless. Rather, He gives you powerful weapons!