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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

The King is with you!

The King of Kings, the Lord of all Lords, created this world out of the void by the power of His Word. The Creator of the heavens laid the foundations of the Earth.

A new day is beginning

A new day is beginning, and the Lord, your shepherd and guide, has foreseen all that will happen. As the Bible assures us, He wants to walk with you in it.

God will accomplish what He has promised you!

Abraham didn’t doubt. He believed until the end that his Creator God could perform a miracle for him. Against all odds…having a child. Against all human logic…producing life.

May the Lord make you an instrument

In these troubled times, I invite you to lift up your prayers and your faith. This beautiful prayer of love to our Lord, attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi, was very quickly adopted by all of the Christian denominations.

His love is perfect!

The love of God for you is perfect. This means that nothing can be added to it to make it better or sweeter. It perfectly answers the needs of your heart!

God cares for you

Each season of your walk with God has its share of tears: tears shed in moments of joy, sorrow, or intense combat. Each day is unique, bringing its own set of new situations, emotions, and challenges.

Turn toward the One who can do all things!

To whom do you turn when everything doesn’t unfold like you had hoped? Whom do you speak with first? Sometimes our first instinct is to call up a friend, but is this really the best choice?

Your destiny awaits you!

My friend, it’s time to rise up, go forward, and possess the promises that the Lord has in store for you!

Praise the Almighty God at all times!

I have learned to praise God and thank Him at all times, whether the sky is blue or gray…whether I’m in a good or bad season…and do you know why?