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The Bible is full of miracles that speak of a living God. He is the God that makes the impossible, possible! He makes all things work together for good. He wants to bless you! ‘A Miracle Every Day’ will help you develop your faith and experience the presence and power of God!

You’re a miracle!

Whenever you’re tempted to grimace at your reflection in the mirror, doubt your worth, or compare yourself to others, remember this truth and embrace it:You are not a failure. You are a miracle.

You are incomparable!

Maybe you’re one of these people who tend to compare themselves…If so, I’d like to help you to stop this habit that negatively affects your identity and your whole life.

You are a beautiful person!

Whether you like what you see in the mirror or not, you are God’s masterpiece. Receive and believe this truth with all your strength.

You are a unique and precious person ⭐️

It’s time to love yourself as God loves you. To drive away these negative and demeaning thoughts. To think of the value of Jesus’s blood shed on the cross so that you could be His! He created you, out of love, with extraordinary potential.

Learn to encourage yourself!

We know the importance of encouraging others, but do we really know how to effectively encourage ourselves? And how is this possible in a world of daily pressures?

Live according to His rhythm!

Do you live under the constant pressure of seeing that, despite all your efforts, nothing is moving forward as you’d like? Maybe these words apply to you: stressed, tired, depressed, anxious, frustrated?

You’re going to make it!

Everything you go through over the course of your life is designed to shape and teach you. You’re in the Lord’s “training camp.”

Are you staying balanced?

Christian life, like life in general, is like a bike: you have to know how to keep your balance! For that matter, have you noticed that in order to stay balanced on a bike, you have to keep moving forward?

Don’t focus on your worries!

Did you know that, if we’re not careful, our minds and inner beings can “overheat”? It’s dangerous to live under constant pressure without risking burning out.